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Shell Refrigeration Oil S2 FR-A 68
Refrigerator Compressor Lubricant.
Shell Refrigeration Oil S2 FR-A is a low miscibility compressor lubricant intended for use in refrigeration compressors using Ammonia refrigerant. It is formulated from specially refined paraffinic base oils in combination with additives selected to minimise system deposits and provide long service life.
Performance, Features & Benefits
- System efficiency. Shell Refrigeration Oil S2 FR-A has been specially optimised for use in systems where oil separation is required. It has been designed to reduce “light end” oil carryover; this minimises oil thickening in the compressor and reduces oil coating of internal evaporator surfaces thus maintaining overall system efficiency.
- Extended maintenance intervals. Shell Refrigeration Oil S2 FR-A has excellent high temperature and oxidation stability providing long service life even where high compressor discharge temperatures are found. In addition it is formulated to provide excellent control of deposit and sludge formation resulting in extended oil drain intervals in comparison with conventional mineral oil based refrigerator oils.
Technical Data Sheet (TDS), Click in below link :
TDS Shell Refrigeration Oil S2 FR-A 68
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), Click in below link :
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